Member Information

Attendance Policy

Our Attendance Policy: Rehearsals are weekly on Tuesday evenings from 7-9pm and attendance at all rehearsals is very important for the success of our group. Members must attend a minimum of 75% attendance of all scheduled rehearsals for concert participation. This means no more than 4 rehearsals can be missed for concert participation.

We understand that sometimes life happens and you may need to miss a rehearsal. If you are sick, please stay home. If you need to miss a rehearsal, please let us know if you are able.  You do not need to state the reason you are missing (as that is your personal business).

Mask Policy: Although we do not require masks for rehearsals/concerts, we support anyone who chooses to wear one. Our guidelines may change as community health concerns arise. You will be notified of any updates as soon as possible.

Allergies: Perfume, cologne, scented powder, etc. will bring on asthma attacks in a number of our members.  Please do not apply these prior to rehearsals or concerts.

Women's Concert Dress:

Black long sleeves or three-quarter sleeve blouse

Black long or knee length skirt with black stockings or black dress slacks  

Black dress shoes         

Minimal jewelry

Men's Concert Dress:

White dress shirt with black bowtie

Black suit coat and black pants

Black dress shoes and black socks

*We own bow ties that can be borrowed

Need to Drop Out?

Sometimes life happens: our schedules change, work or family commitments change, or health issues happen.   There are many things that we can't control and our plans to sing with Adirondack Voices have to change.  

If you signed up to sing with us for the current season and have to drop out for any reason, we respectfully ask you to do the following things in person:


Rehearsals are rarely cancelled.  If we cancel, you will make that determination no later than 5:30 pm. 

 We will send notification to the email address you provided for your registration at 5:30 pm. 

 We will post any cancellations on our Face Book page, Instagram and here on our webpage.

Members > If you don’t like to drive in bad weather, you may want to save your absences for these situations.

Members > if you know of someone in our group that does not have internet access, please make sure you have a phone number that you can contact them at to share this information in case of a rehearsal cancellation.

How do I practice at home? 

You are highly encouraged to spend a little time each week practicing at home.  Do not rely solely on Tuesday evening rehearsals. Rehearsal Tracks are listed on our website. 

The City of Glens Falls strictly enforces their new parking directives.  

This will not affect 

our rehearsals or concerts.  

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